About Twin Otter World & The Editor
My name is Erik Jóhannesson, and I researched, wrote and formatted all of the aircraft history information on the original Twin Otter Archive. That information was built from an extensive collection of records created and maintained by both Michael J. Ody and myself over the lifetime of the Twin Otter series. Mike’s handwritten notes, encompassing literally tens of thousands of pages of data have been in my possession since originally building the Twin Otter Archive database. That data is/was a critical part of preparing the individual aircraft histories, as it facilitates the understanding of all the other data. The dozens of binders containing this information were provided to me in 2012.
In 2017, as the original ISP contract was coming to a close, having faced some challenges with the limitations of the site, and reliability of the upload process, we all decided to move to a new provider that would resolve those issues specifically. Thus Twin Otter World was born. Accompanying the website, Twin Otter World News evolved from my original TwinOtterSpotter. Since that time, Twin Otter World has become the world’s preeminent source for Twin Otter news and data.
Personally, I spent my entire career with one employer, beginning at AirBC which eventually became Jazz Aviation. My interest in the Twin Otter began at AirBC, where we operated around 20 aircraft over the years. I am at heart a photographer of all types of aircraft, having around 50k images in the collection. About 20k of those can be seen on my Flickr galleries.
The Johannesson family has been part of the Canadian Aviation scene since 1929, and launched Johannesson Flying Service in 1932.
My late father was a Captain for Canadian Pacific Airlines, flying types such as the Bristol Britannia, Douglas DC-8, and finally the Boeing 747-200 until his retirement. I dedicate this website to his memory.
Johannesson Flying Service Cessna Crane at Winnipeg’s Brandon Ave. seaplane base circa 1946
Laird LC-1B200 CF-APY in front of Johannesson Flying Service Hangar at Winnipeg, MB
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From my side, particularly during the pandemic, advertising kept this place going. From yours, it allows you to put your organization in front of the biggest single Twin Otter audience there is. You can see that almost all of the top names in the business are already here. If you want exposure to the Twin Otter community, there isn’t a better place.
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